How I got Started: Chatrooms
When I think about how I learned to Domme I'm reminded of long nights spent messaging endlessly with new people in chat rooms. Oftentimes I'd engage in a conversation with the intention of getting a glimpse into their mind. I'd practice asking questions, digging deep into their past and psychology. I'd be unconsciously categorizing patterns of their behavior in the back of my mind.
I have always felt like I can read into someone's energy through their written words when they are present with me. Disembodiment made it harder to hide. And people are most present when they are talking about their deepest hidden desires. Begging for anyone in the universe to feel them. Their desires ranged from wanting to clean toilets to wanting to be one.
Different styles of wanting start to stand out. The slave who finds fulfillment in cleaning and feels that their purpose is to be of service... they are humble and sweet and excessively willing. The saucy brat who is skipping about playfully with their words, a twinkle in their eye, a wildness to their sexuality. The confused newbie who doesn't know their limits and sounds naive and foolish but is still irresistible and cute like a puppy. Then there's the actual dog, their spirit feels direct, they embody it completely, you almost can see them wiggling. The sissy that floats in prancing from cloud to cloud begging to be dressed in frilly panties. The baby that needs to be held and craves nurturing. The slut that just wants to be used hard and relieved of choice. The pain and cruelty seeker, aka the pain slut, who wants to feel worthless and destroyed. The list goes on and the variations can be endless and nuanced but they all have something in common: forbidden desire.
I'd get a new message, it would pop up on my screen: Hello Miss, followed by pregnant silence. You can feel their hope permeating through the computer, willing me to answer. And at a certain point in the evening I might just directly ask: "What type of plaything are you?" Usually that was met with arousal and confusion which let me know exactly where they were at in their journey. Sometimes less is more.
Each plaything, objectified as they were, had a unique history that was ripe with patterns of recognizable thinking. Patterns of desire that run as an undercurrent in their lives. Hidden until the night exposed them, raw, hoping to be seen and appreciated.
On those nights I traded orgasms for insights. We both got what we needed in a strange and satisfying way: my mind quiet, their body relieved. It was a smile that was easy to sleep to in the never ending darkness.
Try Out some Chatrooms for yourself: